Page 9 - 2. September 2016
P. 9

ಸಿಂಪುಟ ೬, ಸಿಂಚಿಕ  ೯, ಸ ಪ ಟಿಂಬರ್, ೨೦೧೬

        Next Gen  - ಲ ್ೀಕ                     NIGHTMARE -  TVISHA AGARWAL


              I wrote this down on my own

              While everyone was chatting on the phone

              I started to faint on the floor

              ‘Cause noises of horror came from the door

              Is it a Mummy? Did I worry!

                    Yes but at least they aren’t in a hurry

                    Oh no! I see a cockroach stand,

                    My sister picked it up with her hand;

                    I wished I had a magic wand,

                    All these ghouls I just can’t stand!

              Eerie laughing, hiccupping ghosts!

              Do they think they’re in a party I host?

              I tried to but couldn’t even scream,

              Whew! What a relief it’s just a dream!

                    COMPOSED BY : TVISHA AGARWAL

                                     GRADE 3, NPSI

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