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ಸಿಂಪುಟ ೫, ಸಿಂಚಕ  ೯, ಸ ಪ ಟಿಂಬರ್, ೨೦೧೫

        Next Gen  ¯ÉÆÃPÀ             ‘Teachers’   Guide to Life.  —  Vrunda Kulkarni

        Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” Teach-
        ers play a very crucial role in our lives of shaping us into who we are today. They not only educate us but also
        impart values in us that last in us forever and find a way to help us out in
        the  toughest situations  in  life.  For  a  seed  to  grow  and  become  a  healthy

        plant, it requires the care, nutrition and nourishment. Teachers play a simi-
        lar role in our lives. Our nursery and kindergarten teachers with great love
        and care held our hands and taught us how to write numbers and letters.
        Our  primary  teachers  stood  behind  and  smiled  at  our  childish  innocence.
        Our secondary teachers came up with interesting and interactive ideas to
        make  each  lesson  enjoyable  and  appealing.  Our  high  school  teachers  in-
        spired us, and motivated us to do better and at times laughed at our mis-
        chievous activities!  Our college teachers were more friends than teachers,
        sharing  their  life  stories  and  sculpted  the  mere  stories  into  everlasting

        Anne Sullivan, Hellen Keller’s teacher stood with her and helped her over-
        come all the obstacles that came on her way. With immense patience, love and care, she taught Hellen how to
        stand on her own feet and face the world. Hellen’s life completely changed after the arrival of Anne Sullivan.
        Our  teachers  have  always  corrected  us  and  taught  us  to  do  the  right  things.  They  act  as  the  mediator  of
        knowledge and bridge the gap between knowledge and us. The fate of the future’s society lies in their hands.
        The future responsible citizens and leaders are all their present students. After our parents, our teachers are
        the ones who experience great happiness on seeing us becoming successful young people. We must never for-
        get to look back and thank our teachers for making us  who we are today.

          Famous quotes about Teachers....

            “ The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you,  who tugs, pushes and leads you to the next
             plateau, sometimes poking you with sharp stick called "truth".—  Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

             “ A good Teacher, like a  good entertainer. first must hold his audience attention, then he can teach his
             lesson.    -  Swami  Vivekananda.

             "The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the pur-
             pose of satisfying it afterwards." - Anatole France.

             your best teacher is your last mistake.—   Abdul Kalam

             "A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others." -Anonymous.

              "Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions." - Anonymous.

             "The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great
             teacher inspires." - William Arthur Ward

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